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This site has for objective to present you the CaniKaze84 (CK84) association. You will discover it the presentation and the current events of our association. You can obtain more information on us and contact us. The CaniKaze84 (CK84) association is based in Vaucluse in France (subway).

CaniKaze84 (CK84) has for object the development and the practice of the sports of Sled on snow and on earth, of ski-joering, of skipulka, mountain bike-joering, of canicross, cani-walking as well as all the disciplines were diverted with hitched dogs. The association is affiliated to the French Federation of the Sports of Sled (FFST), ski/mountain bike joering and of canicross, agent with the Ministry of Sports.

You can travel(browse) the site CaniKaze84 by means of the links of navigations(browsings) in the menu, you will find the information of registration(inscription) to the club there as well as our places of trainings.

We wish you a good visit on CaniKaze84 and we hope that you will find the information for which you looked.